The lab is excited to introduce three bright students who will be working with us over the summer months.
Beining Yang
Beining completed her HBSc in Physiology with a minor in Immunology in 2022 and is currently an BME MEng student at the University of Toronto. Her summer project focuses on optimizing EGFP mRNA transfection in myoblasts by PLL-NPs using lipid-based additives by confocal microscopy.
Emma Lindsay
Emma is an undergraduate Biomedical Sciences student at the University of Guelph. She will be working with Brian Webb, assisting with his research involving a co-culture of adipose-derived cells to better understand the proteomic profile of autologous tissue constructs for gingival tissue engineering
Rastin Rahiminejad
Rastin is a driven and passionate Biomedical science graduate from York University. Rastin will work with Zach Gouveia on comparing the expression of several noted virulence factors of S. mutans of a novel experimental biostable adhesive with several commercial adhesive systems of varying chemistries. Rastin’s project is a collaboration with the Santerre lab for adhesive production and partnering with the Dr. Finer lab and Dr. Bo Huang within the faculty of dentistry to investigate the effects of the adhesive on S.mutans.